
By the year 2050, the Earth will need to support 9 billion humans. Figuring out how to feed all these people-while also advancing rural development, reducing greenhouse gas emissions,and protecting valuable ecosystems-is one of the greatest challenges of our era. Plant pests and diseases affect food crops, causing significant losses to farmers and threatening food security. The solution to the challenge of food insecurity in the 21st century will be multifaceted. Improving agricultural productivity is one of the fundamental building blocks of the response. Future food security, nutrional security and health security will be achieved through the advancements of biotechnology. The 21st century will provide challenges and an abundance of opportunities. The opportunities can be best met by focusing on precision, people and preparation.
“Producing more food with fewer resources may seem too good to be true, but the world’s farmers have trillions of potential partners that can help achieve that ambitious goal. Those partners are microbes.”
To unlock the secrets of the soil — making the work of farmers a little lighter, increasing the productivity of every field and reducing the costly inputs that stretch farmers’ profits as thin as a wire. Through this we can revitalize ecosystems and communities for this generation and the next.
To promote chemical free healthy agriculture practices in the country by making available nature derived inputs such as bio fertilizers, bio pesticides, and biostimulants etc., That are innovative, cost-effective solutions for customers/users, and partners. Which benefits shareholders and the planet at large.